
co — The location of a callout embedded in text.


  • empty


Common attributes (ID required).

Additional attributes:

  • label

Required attributes are shown in bold.


A co identifies (by its location) a point of reference for a callout. See callout.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.


Common attributes (ID required).


Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes

Parents [+]

This element occurs in 12 elements.


  1 <article xmlns='' version="5.0">
  2 <title>Example co</title>
  4 <informalexample>
    <screen> Volume in drive C is SYSTEM         Serial number is 2350:717C
  6  Directory of  C:\
  8 10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR>    bin
    10/16/97  14:11         &lt;DIR>    DOS            <co xml:id="co.dos"/>
 10 10/16/97  14:40         &lt;DIR>    Program Files
    10/16/97  14:46         &lt;DIR>    TEMP
 12 10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR>    tmp
    10/16/97  14:37         &lt;DIR>    WINNT
 14 10/16/97  14:25             119  AUTOEXEC.BAT   <co xml:id="co.autoexec.bat"/>
     2/13/94   6:21          54,619  COMMAND.COM    <co xml:id=""/>
 16 10/16/97  14:25             115  CONFIG.SYS     <co xml:id="co.config.sys"/>
    11/16/97  17:17      61,865,984  pagefile.sys
 18  2/13/94   6:21           9,349  WINA20.386     <co xml:id="co.wina20.386"/></screen>
 20 <callout arearefs="co.dos">
    <para>This directory holds <trademark>MS-DOS</trademark>, the
 22 operating system that was installed before <trademark>Windows
 24 </para>
    <callout arearefs="co.autoexec.bat co.config.sys">
 28 <para>System startup code for DOS.
 30 </callout>
 32 <callout arearefs="co.wina20.386">
    <para>Some sort of <trademark>Windows 3.1</trademark> hack for some
 34 386 processors, as I recall.
 36 </callout>
 38 </informalexample>
 40 </article>
  1  Volume in drive C is SYSTEM         Serial number is 2350:717C
  2  Directory of  C:\
  4 10/17/97   9:04         <DIR>    bin
    10/16/97  14:11         <DIR>    DOS            3
  6 10/16/97  14:40         <DIR>    Program Files
    10/16/97  14:46         <DIR>    TEMP
  8 10/17/97   9:04         <DIR>    tmp
    10/16/97  14:37         <DIR>    WINNT
 10 10/16/97  14:25             119  AUTOEXEC.BAT   4
     2/13/94   6:21          54,619  COMMAND.COM    5
 12 10/16/97  14:25             115  CONFIG.SYS     6
    11/16/97  17:17      61,865,984  pagefile.sys
 14  2/13/94   6:21           9,349  WINA20.386     7


This directory holds MS-DOS™, the operating system that was installed before Windows NT™.

4 5 6  

System startup code for DOS.


Some sort of Windows 3.1™ hack for some 386 processors, as I recall.

Compare this example with the example for screenco.

Last revised by Norman Walsh on 9 Jun 2011 (git hash: 8b56299e266638d7740ab38b86833eeafed584e9)