DocBook 5.1: The Definitive Guide (Version 1.5.3 for DocBook 5.1)msgentrymsgentry — A wrapper for an entry in a message set.Synopsismsgentry ::=Sequence of:One or more of:msgmsginfo?Zero or more of:msgexplanAttributesCommon attributes and common linking attributes.Description In a msgset, each msgentry contains some number of messages (msgs) and additional informative and explanatory material about them. Processing expectations Formatted as a displayed block. On the whole, the semantics of msgset are not clearly defined. ParentsThese elements contain msgentry: msgset. ChildrenThe following elements occur in msgentry: msg, msgexplan, msginfo.
msgentrymsgentry — A wrapper for an entry in a message set.Synopsismsgentry ::=Sequence of:One or more of:msgmsginfo?Zero or more of:msgexplanAttributesCommon attributes and common linking attributes.Description In a msgset, each msgentry contains some number of messages (msgs) and additional informative and explanatory material about them. Processing expectations Formatted as a displayed block. On the whole, the semantics of msgset are not clearly defined. ParentsThese elements contain msgentry: msgset. ChildrenThe following elements occur in msgentry: msg, msgexplan, msginfo.