Chapter 4. Exclusions from Core DocBook
In the interest of providing a schema that meets the needs of the Publishing industry, the following considerations were made with regard to the modular approach to the schema and the exclusion of certain core DocBook elements:
- Simplified markup
The focus should be on the structural, presentational and semantic markup that meets the needs of Publishers.
- No technical elements
The vast majority of Publishers will not need the technical elements from core DocBook. For those titles that require technical markup, the inlines can easily be added as a module to the Publishers schema.
- Generated text
With the robust DocBook toolchain, most Publishers will want to automate the creation of a Table of Contents and Index.
The following 149 elements from full DocBook have been excluded from the Publishers schema:
Because the Publishers schema is written in RelaxNG Compact syntax, it is very easy to add elements back into a customization of the Publishers schema. For example, if the elements in the programming module were needed, it is very simple to use an include statement for the programming.rnc file from the source DocBook distribution.
in favor of generated text, removed tech writing specific, simplify the markup burden
Element Name | Definition | Group | Module | Description |
accel | db.accel | db.keyboard.inlines | keyboard.rnc | A graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut |
annotation | db.annotation | db.ubiq.inlines | annotations.rnc | An annotation |
application | db.application | db.product.inlines | product.rnc | The name of a software program |
arc | db.arc | db.extendedlink | xlink.rnc | An XLink arc in an extendedlink |
arg | db.arg | db.cmdsynopsis | programming.rnc | An argument in a CmdSynopsis |
caution | db.caution | db.admonition.blocks | admonitions.rnc | A note of caution |
citerefentry | db.citerefentry | db.bibliography.inlines | refentry.rnc | A citation to a reference page |
classname | db.classname | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | The name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense |
classsynopsis | db.classsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | The syntax summary for a class definition |
classsynopsisinfo | db.classsynopsisinfo | db.classsynopsis | programming.rnc | Information supplementing the contents of a ClassSynopsis |
cmdsynopsis | db.cmdsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | A syntax summary for a software command |
code | db.code | db.markup.inlines | markup.rnc | An inline code fragment |
col | db.html.col | db.html.table.model | htmltbl.rnc | Specifications for a column in an HTML table |
colgroup | db.html.colgroup | db.html.table.model | htmltbl.rnc | A group of columns in an HTML table |
command | db.command | db.os.inlines | os.rnc | The name of an executable program or other software command |
computeroutput | db.computeroutput | db.os.inlines | os.rnc | Data, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer |
constant | db.constant | db.markup.inlines | markup.rnc | A programming or system constant |
constraint | db.constraint | db.production | ebnf.rnc | A constraint in an EBNF production |
constraintdef | db.constraintdef | db.technical.blocks | ebnf.rnc | The definition of a constraint in an EBNF production |
constructorsynopsis | db.constructorsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | A syntax summary for a constructor |
database | db.database | db.product.inlines | product.rnc | The name of a database, or part of a database |
destructorsynopsis | db.destructorsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | A syntax summary for a destructor |
envar | db.envar | db.os.inlines | os.rnc | A software environment variable |
errorcode | db.errorcode | db.error.inlines | error.rnc | An error code |
errorname | db.errorname | db.error.inlines | error.rnc | An error name |
errortext | db.errortext | db.error.inlines | error.rnc | An error message. |
errortype | db.errortype | db.error.inlines | error.rnc | The classification of an error message |
exceptionname | db.exceptionname | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | The name of an exception |
extendedlink | db.extendedlink | | xlink.rnc | An XLink extended link |
fieldsynopsis | db.fieldsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | The name of a field in a class definition |
filename | db.filename | db.os.inlines | os.rnc | The name of a file |
funcdef | db.funcdef | db.funcprototype | programming.rnc | A function (subroutine) name and its return type |
funcparams | db.funcparams | db.paramdef | programming.rnc | Parameters for a function referenced through a function pointer in a synopsis |
funcprototype | db.funcprototype | db.funcsynopsis | programming.rnc | The prototype of a function |
funcsynopsis | db.funcsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | The syntax summary for a function definition |
funcsynopsisinfo | db.funcsynopsisinfo | db.funcsynopsis | programming.rnc | Information supplementing the FuncDefs of a FuncSynopsis |
function | db.function | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language |
group | | db.cmdsynopsis | programming.rnc | A group of elements in a CmdSynopsis |
guibutton | db.guibutton | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | The text on a button in a GUI |
guiicon | db.guiicon | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | Graphic and/or text appearing as a icon in a GUI |
guilabel | db.guilabel | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | The text of a label in a GUI |
guimenu | db.guimenu | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | The name of a menu in a GUI |
guimenuitem | db.guimenuitem | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | The name of a terminal menu item in a GUI |
guisubmenu | db.guisubmenu | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | The name of a submenu in a GUI |
hardware | db.hardware | db.product.inlines | product.rnc | A physical part of a computer system |
important | db.important | db.admonition.blocks | admonitions.rnc | An admonition set off from the text |
indexdiv | db.indexdiv | db.index | index.rnc | A division in an index |
indexentry | db.indexentry | db.index | index.rnc | An entry in an index |
initializer | db.initializer | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | The initializer for a FieldSynopsis |
interfacename | db.interfacename | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | The name of an interface |
keycap | db.keycap | db.keyboard.inlines | keyboard.rnc | The text printed on a key on a keyboard |
keycode | db.keycode | db.keyboard.inlines | keyboard.rnc | The internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard |
keycombo | db.keycombo | db.keyboard.inlines | keyboard.rnc | A combination of input actions |
keysym | db.keysym | db.keyboard.inlines | keyboard.rnc | The symbolic name of a key on a keyboard |
lhs | db.lhs | db.production | ebnf.rnc | The left-hand side of an EBNF production |
locator | db.locator | db.extendedlink | xlink.rnc | An XLink locator in an extendedlink |
manvolnum | db.manvolnum | db.citerefentry | refentry.rnc | A reference volume number |
markup | db.markup | db.markup.inlines | markup.rnc | A string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally |
lineannotation | db.lineannotation | db.verbatim.inlines | programming.rnc | A comment on a line in a verbatim listing |
menuchoice | db.menuchoice | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | A selection or series of selections from a menu |
methodname | db.methodname | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | The name of a method |
methodparam | db.methodparam | db.constructorsynopsis | programming.rnc | Parameters to a method |
methodsynopsis | db.methodsynopsis | db.synopsis.blocks | programming.rnc | A syntax summary for a method |
modifier | db.modifier | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | Modifiers in a synopsis |
mousebutton | db.mousebutton | db.gui.inlines | gui.rnc | The conventional name of a mouse button |
msg | db.msg | db.msgentry | msgset.rnc | A message in a message set |
msgaud | db.msgaud | db.msginfo | msgset.rnc | The audience to which a message in a message set is relevant |
msgentry | db.msgentry | db.msgset | msgset.rnc | A wrapper for an entry in a message set |
msgexplan | db.msgexplan | db.msgentry | msgset.rnc | Explanatory material relating to a message in a message set |
msginfo | db.msginfo | db.msgentry | msgset.rnc | Information about a message in a message set |
msglevel | db.msglevel | db.msginfo | msgset.rnc | The level of importance or severity of a message in a message set |
msgmain | db.msgmain | db.msg | msgset.rnc | The primary component of a message in a message set |
msgorig | db.msgorig | db.msginfo | msgset.rnc | The origin of a message in a message set |
msgrel | db.msgrel | db.msg | msgset.rnc | A related component of a message in a message set |
msgset | db.msgset | db.technical.blocks | msgset.rnc | A detailed set of messages, usually error messages |
msgsub | db.msgsub | db.msg | msgset.rnc | A subcomponent of a message in a message set |
msgtext | db.msgtext | db.simplemsgentry | msgset.rnc | The actual text of a message component in a message set |
nonterminal | db.nonterminal | db.technical.inlines | ebnf.rnc | A non-terminal in an EBNF production |
ooclass | db.ooclass | db.oo.inlines | programming.rnc | A class in an object-oriented programming language |
ooexception | db.ooexception | db.oo.inlines | programming.rnc | An exception in an object-oriented programming language |
oointerface | db.oointerface | db.oo.inlines | programming.rnc | An interface in an object-oriented programming language |
option | db.option | db.technical.inlines | technical.rnc | An option for a software command |
package | db.package | db.technical.inlines | technical.rnc | A software or application package |
paramdef | db.paramdef | db.funcprototype | programming.rnc | Information about a function parameter in a programming language |
parameter | db.parameter | db.technical.inlines | programming.rnc | A value or a symbolic reference to a value |
primaryie | db.primaryie | db.indexentry | index.rnc | A primary term in an index entry, not in the text |
production | db.production | db.productionset | ebnf.rnc | A production in a set of EBNF productions |
productionrecap | db.productionrecap | db.productionset | ebnf.rnc | A cross-reference to an EBNF production |
productionset | db.productionset | db.technical.blocks | ebnf.rnc | A set of EBNF productions |
programlisting | db.programlisting | db.verbatim.blocks | programming.rnc | A literal listing of all or part of a program |
programlistingco | db.programlistingco | db.verbatim.blocks | callouts.rnc | A program listing with associated areas used in callouts |
prompt | db.prompt | db.os.inlines | os.rnc | A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display |
property | | db.technical.inlines | technical.rnc | A unit of data associated with some part of a computer system |
refclass | db.refclass | db.refnamediv | refentry.rnc | The scope or other indication of applicability of a reference entry |
refdescriptor | db.refdescriptor | db.refnamediv | refentry.rnc | A description of the topic of a reference page |
refentry | db.refentry | db.toplevel.sections | refentry.rnc | A reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page) |
refentrytitle | db.refentrytitle | db.citerefentry | refentry.rnc | The title of a reference page |
reference | db.reference | db.divisions | refentry.rnc | A collection of reference entries |
refmeta | db.refmeta | db.refentry | refentry.rnc | Meta-information for a reference entry |
refmiscinfo | db.refmiscinfo | db.refmeta | refentry.rnc | Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number |
refname | db.refname | db.refnamediv | refentry.rnc | The name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page |
refnamediv | db.refnamediv | db.refentry | refentry.rnc | The name, purpose, and classification of a reference page |
refpurpose | db.refpurpose | db.refnamediv | refentry.rnc | A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page |
refsect1 | db.refsect1 | db.toplevel.sections | refsect1.rnc | A major subsection of a reference entry |
refsect2 | db.refsect2 | db.secondlevel.refsection | refsect1.rnc | A subsection of a refsect1 |
refsect3 | db.refsect3 | db.refsect2.sections | refsect1.rnc | A subsection of a refsect2 |
refsection | db.refsection | db.toplevel.refsection | refentry.rnc | A recursive section in a refentry |
refsynopsisdiv | db.refsynopsisdiv | db.refentry | refentry.rnc | A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page |
replaceable | replaceable | db.technical.inlines | technical.rnc | |
returnvalue | db.returnvalue | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | |
rhs | db.rhs | db.production | ebnf.rnc | |
sbr | db.sbr | programming.rnc | ||
screen | db.screen | technical.rnc | Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen | |
screenco | db.screenco | db.verbatim.blocks | callouts.rnc | A screen with associated areas used in callouts |
screenshot | db.screenshot | technical.rnc | A representation of what the user sees or might see on a computer screen | |
sect1 | db.sect1 | db.toplevel.sections | sect1.rnc | A top-level section of the document |
sect2 | db.sect2 | db.sect1.sections | sect1.rnc | A subsection within a Sect1 |
sect3 | db.sect3 | db.sect2.sections | sect1.rnc | A subsection within a Sect2 |
sect4 | db.sect4 | db.sect3.sections | sect1.rnc | A subsection within a Sect3 |
sect5 | db.sect5 | db.sect4.sections | sect1.rnc | A subsection within a Sect4 |
seealsoie | seealsoie | index.rnc | A "See also" ] " entry in an index, rather than in the text | |
seeie | seeie | index.rnc | A "See" entry in an index, rather than in the text | |
seg | db.seg | markup.rnc | An element of a list item in a segmented list | |
seglistitem | db.seglistitem | markup.rnc | A list item in a segmented list | |
segmentedlist | db.segmentedlist | markup.rnc | A segmented list, a list of sets of elements | |
segtitle | db.segtitle | markup.rnc | The title of an element of a list item in a segmented list | |
shortcut | db.shortcut | keyboard.rnc | ||
simplemsgentry | db.simplemsgentry | db.msgset | msgset.rnc | |
symbol | symbol | db.markup.inlines | markup.rnc | A name that is replaced by a value before processing |
synopfragment | db.synopfragment | programming.rnc | ||
synopfragmentref | db.synopfragmentref | programming.rnc | ||
synopsis | db.synopsis | programming.rnc | A general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions | |
systemitem | db.systemitem | db.technical.inlines | technical.rnc | |
tag | db.tag | db.markup.inlines | markup.rnc | A component of XML (or SGML) markup |
td | db.html.informaltable | htmltbl.rnc | ||
tertiaryie | tertiaryie | index.rnc | ||
th | db.html.informaltable | htmltbl.rnc | ||
tip | tip | admonitions.rnc | ||
tocdiv | toc.rnc | A division in a table of contents | ||
tocentry | toc.rnc | A component title in a table of contents | ||
token | db.token | db.markup.inlines | markup.rnc | A unit of information |
tr | db.html.informaltable | htmltbl.rnc | ||
type | db.type | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | |
userinput | db.userinput | db.os.inlines | os.rnc | |
varargs | varargs | programming.rnc | ||
varname | varname | db.programming.inlines | programming.rnc | |
void | db.void | programming.rnc | ||
warning | db.warning | admonitions.rnc |