
$Revision: 1666 $

$Date: 2002-06-12 07:19:37 -0400 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $

affiliation — The institutional affiliation of an individual


Content Model

affiliation ::=


Common attributes

Parameter Entities

The following parameter entities contain affiliation:

Parameter Entities


The institutional affiliation of an author, contributor, or other individual.

Processing expectations

May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed.

Future Changes

In DocBook V4.0, Affiliation will be removed from some of the places in which it now occurs. Instead of appearing inside Author, for example, a new wrapper element will be created to hold Author, AuthorBlurb, and Affiliation.


The following elements occur in affiliation: address, jobtitle, orgdiv, orgname, shortaffil.

See Also

corpname, firstname, honorific, jobtitle, lineage, orgdiv, orgname, othername, shortaffil, surname.


For examples, see author, authorgroup, bookinfo, contractsponsor.