Part IIReference

Table of Contents
  • IDocBook Element Reference
    • abbrev — An abbreviation, especially one followed by a period
    • abstract — A summary
    • acronym — An often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase
    • affiliation — The institutional affiliation of an individual
    • alt — A text-only annotation, often used for accessibility
    • attribution — The source of a block quote or epigraph
    • audiodata — Pointer to external audio data
    • audioobject — A wrapper for audio data and its associated meta-information
    • author — The name of an individual author
    • authorgroup — Wrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collaborators
    • authorinitials — The initials or other short identifier for an author
    • bibliodiv — A section of a bibliography
    • bibliography — A bibliography
    • bibliomisc — Untyped bibliographic information
    • bibliomixed — A cooked entry in a bibliography
    • bibliomset — A cooked container for related bibliographic information
    • blockquote — A quotation set off from the main text
    • caption (db.caption) — A caption
    • caption (db.html.caption) — An HTML table caption
    • citetitle — The title of a cited work
    • col — Specifications for a column in an HTML table
    • colgroup — A group of columns in an HTML table
    • colspec — Specifications for a column in a table
    • command — The name of an executable program or other software command
    • computeroutput — Data, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer
    • copyright — Copyright information about a document
    • date — The date of publication or revision of a document
    • edition — The name or number of an edition of a document
    • editor — The name of the editor of a document
    • email — An email address
    • emphasis — Emphasized text
    • entry — A cell in a table
    • entrytbl — A subtable appearing in place of an entry in a table
    • epigraph — A short inscription at the beginning of a document or component
    • example — A formal example, with a title
    • figure — A formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title
    • filename — The name of a file
    • firstname — A given name of a person
    • foil — A slide (or foil)V5.0 Slides
    • foilgroup — A group of slides (or foils)V5.0 Slides
    • footnote — A footnote
    • footnoteref — A cross reference to a footnote (a footnote mark)
    • givenname — The given name of a personV5.1
    • holder — The name of the individual or organization that holds a copyright
    • honorific — The title of a person
    • html:* — Any element from the HTML namespaceV5.0 Slides
    • imagedata — Pointer to external image data
    • imageobject — A wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information
    • info ( — A wrapper for information about a component or other blockV5.0
    • info ( — A wrapper for information about a component or other block without a titleV5.0
    • info ( — A wrapper for information about a component or other block with only a titleV5.0
    • info ( — A wrapper for information about a component or other block with only a required titleV5.0
    • info ( — A wrapper for information about a component or other block with a required titleV5.0
    • informaltable (db.html.informaltable) — An HTML table without a title
    • informaltable (db.cals.informaltable) — A table without a title
    • inlinemediaobject — An inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on)
    • issuenum — The number of an issue of a journal
    • itemizedlist — A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat
    • keyword — One of a set of keywords describing the content of a document
    • keywordset — A set of keywords describing the content of a document
    • legalnotice — A statement of legal obligations or requirements
    • lineage — The portion of a person's name indicating a relationship to ancestors
    • lineannotation — A comment on a line in a verbatim listing
    • link — A hypertext link
    • listitem — A wrapper for the elements of a list item
    • literal — Inline text that is some literal value
    • literallayout — A block of text in which line breaks and white space are to be reproduced faithfully
    • mediaobject — A displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.)
    • multimediaparam — Application specific parameters for a media playerV5.1
    • note — A message set off from the text
    • option — An option for a software command
    • orderedlist — A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label
    • orgname — The name of an organization
    • othercredit — A person or entity, other than an author or editor, credited in a document
    • othername — A component of a person's name that is not a first name, surname, or lineage
    • para — A paragraph
    • personblurb — A short description or note about a person
    • personname — The personal name of an individual
    • phrase (db._phrase) — A limited span of text
    • phrase (db.phrase) — A span of text
    • programlisting — A literal listing of all or part of a program
    • pubdate — The date of publication of a document
    • publishername — The name of the publisher of a document
    • quote — An inline quotation
    • releaseinfo — Information about a particular release of a document
    • replaceable — Content that may or must be replaced by the user
    • revdescription — A extended description of a revision to a document
    • revhistory — A history of the revisions to a document
    • revision — An entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document
    • revnumber — A document revision number
    • revremark — A description of a revision to a document
    • row (db.entrytbl.row) — A row in a table
    • row (db.row) — A row in a table
    • section — A recursive section
    • sidebar — A portion of a document that is isolated from the main narrative flow
    • slides — A set of slides (or foils)V5.0 Slides
    • spanspec — Formatting information for a spanned column in a table
    • speakernotes — Speaker notesV5.0 Slides
    • subject — One of a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document
    • subjectset — A set of terms describing the subject matter of a document
    • subjectterm — A term in a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document
    • subscript — A subscript (as in H₂O, the molecular formula for water)
    • subtitle — The subtitle of a document
    • superscript — A superscript (as in x², the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself)
    • surname — An inherited or family name; in western cultures the last name
    • systemitem — A system-related item or term
    • table (db.html.table) — A formal (captioned) HTML table in a document
    • table (db.cals.table) — A formal table in a document
    • tbody (db.cals.entrytbl.tbody) — A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table
    • tbody (db.html.tbody) — A wrapper for the rows of an HTML table or informal HTML table
    • tbody (db.cals.tbody) — A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table
    • td — A table entry in an HTML table
    • term — The word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list
    • textdata — Pointer to external text data
    • textobject — A wrapper for a text description of an object and its associated meta-information
    • tfoot (db.html.tfoot) — A table footer consisting of one or more rows in an HTML table
    • tfoot (db.cals.tfoot) — A table footer consisting of one or more rows
    • tgroup — A wrapper for the main content of a table, or part of a table
    • th — A table header entry in an HTML table
    • thead (db.cals.entrytbl.thead) — A table header consisting of one or more rows
    • thead (db.html.thead) — A table header consisting of one or more rows in an HTML table
    • thead (db.cals.thead) — A table header consisting of one or more rows
    • title — The text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element
    • titleabbrev — The abbreviation of a title
    • tr — A row in an HTML table
    • trademark — A trademark
    • userinput — Data entered by the user
    • variablelist — A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description
    • varlistentry — A wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list
    • videodata — Pointer to external video data
    • videoobject — A wrapper for video data and its associated meta-information
    • volumenum — The volume number of a document in a set (as of books in a set or articles in a journal)
    • xref — A cross reference to another part of the document
    • year — The year of publication of a document