
revhistory — A history of the revisions to a document.


revhistory ::=


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


A revhistory is a structure for documenting a history of changes, specifically, a history of changes to the document or section in which it occurs.

DocBook does not mandate an order for revisions: ascending order by date, descending order by date, and orders based on some other criteria are all equally acceptable.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block. A tabular or list presentation is most common.

The order of revisions within a revhistory (e.g., ascending or descending date order) is not mandated by DocBook.


33 elements contain revhistory. × ⏵

These elements contain revhistory: abstract, appendix, bibliodiv, bibliography, bibliomixed, bibliomset, blockquote, caption (db.caption), entry, example, figure, footnote, head, html:fieldset, html:form, info (, info (, info (, info (, info (, itemizedlist, legalnotice, listitem, note, orderedlist, revdescription, section, sidebar, td, textobject, th, variablelist, webpage.


5 elements occur in revhistory. × ⏵

The following elements occur in revhistory: info (, info (, revision, title, titleabbrev.

See Also

Related elements: date, edition, pubdate, releaseinfo.


 1 |<article xmlns=''>
   |<title>Example revhistory</title>
 5 | 
   |  <revnumber>0.91</revnumber>
   |  <date>1996-12-11</date>
   |  <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials>
10 |  <revremark>Bug fixes</revremark>
   |  <revnumber>0.90</revnumber>
15 |  <date>1996-11-30</date>
   |  <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials>
   |  <revremark>First beta release</revremark>
20 |</revhistory>
Revision History
0.9111 Dec 1996ndw

Bug fixes

0.9030 Nov 1996ndw

First beta release