inlineequation — A mathematical equation or expression occurring inline.
An inlineequation
s is an expression (usually
mathematical) that occurs in the text flow.
Processing expectations
Formatted inline.
This element occurs in 49 elements.
The following elements occur in inlineequation: alt
, inlinemediaobject
, mathphrase
, mml:*
See Also
1 <article xmlns=''> 2 <title>Example inlineequation</title> 4 <para>Einstein's theory of relativity includes one of the most widely recognized formulas in the world: 6 <inlineequation> <alt>e=mc^2</alt> 8 <inlinemediaobject> <imageobject condition="print"> 10 <imagedata fileref="figs/print/db5d_refeqn03.pdf"/> </imageobject> 12 <imageobject condition="web"> <imagedata fileref="figs/web/db5d_refeqn03.png"/> 14 </imageobject> </inlinemediaobject> 16 </inlineequation> </para> 18 </article>
Einstein's theory of relativity includes one of the most
widely recognized formulas in the world: