dedication — The dedication of a book or other component.
- Sequence of:
- One of:
- One or more of:
- Indexing inlines
- Admonition elements
- Formal elements
- Graphic elements
- Informal elements
- List elements
- Paragraph elements
- Publishing elements
- Synopsis elements
- Technical elements
- Verbatim elements
- One of:
Additional Constraints
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
A dedication
is a page or section, most often
at the very beginning of a book (before any other body matter),
containing a tribute to something (frequently someone) in connection
with the writing or publication of the book
Processing expectations
Formatted as a displayed block. Frequently appears on a page by itself at the beginning of a book.
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
- label
Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes
- status
Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs
These elements contain dedication
: article
, book
, part
The following elements occur in dedication: address
, anchor
, annotation
, bibliolist
, blockquote
, bridgehead
, calloutlist
, caution
, classsynopsis
, cmdsynopsis
, constraintdef
, constructorsynopsis
, destructorsynopsis
, epigraph
, equation
, example
, fieldsynopsis
, figure
, formalpara
, funcsynopsis
, glosslist
, important
, indexterm
(db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm
(db.indexterm.singular), indexterm
(db.indexterm.startofrange), info
(, info
(, informalequation
, informalexample
, informalfigure
, informaltable
(db.cals.informaltable), informaltable
(db.html.informaltable), itemizedlist
, literallayout
, mediaobject
, methodsynopsis
, msgset
, note
, orderedlist
, para
, procedure
, productionset
, programlisting
, programlistingco
, qandaset
, remark
, revhistory
, screen
, screenco
, screenshot
, segmentedlist
, sidebar
, simpara
, simplelist
, subtitle
, synopsis
, table
(db.cals.table), table
(db.html.table), task
, tip
, title
, titleabbrev
, variablelist
, warning
<book xmlns=''>
<title>The Best XML Jokes</title>
<para>To my mother and father, for teaching me to laugh.
<chapter><title>Parsing Jokes</title>
<para>What did the lexer say to the angle bracket? …
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