
markup — A string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally.


markup ::=


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

No additional attributes.


A markup element contains a string of formatting markup that is to be represented literally in the text. The utility of this element is almost wholly constrained to books about document formatting tools.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


These elements contain markup: bridgehead, caption (db.html.caption), citation, citetitle, classsynopsisinfo, computeroutput, contrib, emphasis (db.emphasis), entry, enumitemdescription, firstterm (db.firstterm), funcsynopsisinfo, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm (db.glossterm), initializer, link, literallayout, member, meta (db.meta.content), olink, orgdiv, para, phrase (db.phrase), primary, primaryie, programlisting, quote (db.quote), refdescriptor, refentrytitle, refname, refpurpose, remark, screen, secondary, secondaryie, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg, segtitle, simpara, subtitle, synopsis, synopsisinfo, td, term, termdef, tertiary, tertiaryie, th, title, titleabbrev, tocentry, userinput.


The following elements occur in markup: text, abbrev, acronym, alt, anchor, annotation, biblioref, coref, date, emphasis (db._emphasis), firstterm (db._firstterm), footnote, footnoteref, foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), glossterm (db._glossterm), indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), inlinemediaobject, link, olink, phrase (db._phrase), quote (db._quote), remark, replaceable, subscript, superscript, trademark, wordasword, xref.

See Also

Related elements: computeroutput, constant, literal, option, optional, parameter, prompt, replaceable, tag, userinput, varname.


1 |<article xmlns=''>
  |<title>Example markup</title>
  |<para>A presentation system using TeX as a back end might allow you
5 |to insert inline markup, such as <markup role="tex">$x^2$</markup>,
  |using TeX syntax directly.

A presentation system using TeX as a back end might allow you to insert inline markup, such as $x^2$, using TeX syntax directly.