
simpara — A paragraph that contains only text and inline markup, no block elements.


simpara ::= × ⏵


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

No additional attributes.

Additional Constraints

  • If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.


A simpara is a simple paragraph, one that may contain only character data and inline elements. The para element is less restrictive; it may also contain block-level structures (lists, figures, etc.).

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


79 elements contain simpara. × ⏵

These elements contain simpara: abstract, acknowledgements, annotation, answer, appendix, article, bibliodiv, bibliography, bibliolist, blockquote, callout, calloutlist, caption (db.caption), caution, chapter, colophon, constraintdef, cover, danger, dedication, entry, epigraph, example, figure, footnote, glossary, glossdef, glossdiv, glosslist, important, index, indexdiv, informalexample, informalfigure, itemizedlist, legalnotice, listitem, meta (db.meta.content), msgexplan, msgtext, note, orderedlist, partintro, personblurb, preface, printhistory, procedure, qandadiv, qandaset, question, refsect1, refsect2, refsect3, refsection, refsynopsisdiv, result, revdescription, sect1, sect2, sect3, sect4, sect5, section, setindex, sidebar, simplesect, step, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary, td, textobject, th, tip, toc, tocdiv, topic, variablelist, warning.


116 elements occur in simpara. × ⏵

The following elements occur in simpara: text, abbrev, accel, acronym, alt, anchor, annotation, application, author, biblioref, buildtarget, citation, citebiblioid, citerefentry, citetitle, classname, code, command, computeroutput, constant, coref, database, date, editor, email, emphasis (db._emphasis), emphasis (db.emphasis), enumidentifier, enumname, enumvalue, envar, errorcode, errorname, errortext, errortype, exceptionname, filename, firstterm (db._firstterm), firstterm (db.firstterm), footnote, footnoteref, foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase (db.foreignphrase), function, glossterm (db._glossterm), glossterm (db.glossterm), guibutton, guiicon, guilabel, guimenu, guimenuitem, guisubmenu, hardware, indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), info (, initializer, inlineequation, inlinemediaobject, interfacename, jobtitle, keycap, keycode, keycombo, keysym, link, literal, macroname, markup, menuchoice, methodname, modifier, mousebutton, nonterminal, olink, ooclass, ooexception, oointerface, option, optional, org, orgname, package, parameter, person, personname, phrase (db._phrase), phrase (db.phrase), productname, productnumber, prompt, property, quote (db._quote), quote (db.quote), remark, replaceable, returnvalue, revnumber, shortcut, subscript, superscript, symbol, systemitem, tag, templatename, termdef, token, trademark, type, typedefname, unionname, uri, userinput, varname, wordasword, xref.

See Also

Related elements: formalpara, para.


1 |<article xmlns=''>
  |<title>Example simpara</title>
5 |Just the text, ma'am.

Just the text, ma'am.