
preface — Introductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book.



preface ::= × ⏵


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • label
  • status

Additional Constraints

  • If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.


A preface is a preface or a foreword in a book. The preface element may appear more than once and should be used for all introductory chapter-like material. For example, a book might have both a Foreword and an Introduction. Both should be tagged as prefaces in DocBook.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block. Usually introduces a forced page break and often starts on the next recto page. It is common for the page numbers in prefaces to be displayed as Roman numerals rather than Arabic numerals. The prefaces are usually listed in the table of contents.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes


Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs


2 elements contain preface. × ⏵

These elements contain preface: book, part.


79 elements occur in preface. × ⏵

The following elements occur in preface: address, anchor, annotation, bibliography, bibliolist, blockquote, bridgehead, calloutlist, caution, classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, constraintdef, constructorsynopsis, danger, destructorsynopsis, enumsynopsis, epigraph, equation, example, fieldsynopsis, figure, formalgroup, formalpara, funcsynopsis, glossary, glosslist, important, index, indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), info (, info (, informalequation, informalexample, informalfigure, informaltable (db.cals.informaltable), informaltable (db.html.informaltable), itemizedlist, literallayout, macrosynopsis, mediaobject, methodsynopsis, msgset, note, orderedlist, packagesynopsis, para, procedure, productionset, programlisting, programlistingco, qandaset, refentry, remark, revhistory, screen, screenco, screenshot, sect1, section, segmentedlist, sidebar, simpara, simplelist, simplesect, subtitle, synopsis, table (db.cals.table), table (db.html.table), task, tip, title, titleabbrev, toc, typedefsynopsis, unionsynopsis, variablelist, warning.

See Also

Related elements: appendix, article, book, chapter, colophon, dedication, part, partintro, set.