
step — A unit of action in a procedure.


step ::= × ⏵


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • performance (enumeration)
    • “optional”
    • “required”

Additional Constraints

  • If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.


A step identifies a unit of action in a procedure. If a finer level of granularity is required for some steps, you can embed substeps in a step. Embedded substeps contain steps so that substeps can be nested to any depth.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block. The steps are almost always numbered.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


Specifies if the content is required or optional

Enumerated values:

The content describes an optional step or steps.


The content describes a required step or steps.


3 elements contain step. × ⏵

These elements contain step: procedure, stepalternatives, substeps.


73 elements occur in step. × ⏵

The following elements occur in step: address, anchor, annotation, bibliolist, blockquote, bridgehead, calloutlist, caution, classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, constraintdef, constructorsynopsis, danger, destructorsynopsis, enumsynopsis, epigraph, equation, example, fieldsynopsis, figure, formalgroup, formalpara, funcsynopsis, glosslist, important, indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), info (, info (, informalequation, informalexample, informalfigure, informaltable (db.cals.informaltable), informaltable (db.html.informaltable), itemizedlist, literallayout, macrosynopsis, mediaobject, methodsynopsis, msgset, note, orderedlist, packagesynopsis, para, procedure, productionset, programlisting, programlistingco, qandaset, remark, result, revhistory, screen, screenco, screenshot, segmentedlist, sidebar, simpara, simplelist, stepalternatives, substeps, synopsis, table (db.cals.table), table (db.html.table), task, tip, title, titleabbrev, typedefsynopsis, unionsynopsis, variablelist, warning.