topic — A modular unit of documentation not part of any particular narrative flow.
topic ::= × ⏵
- Sequence of:
- One of:
- Zero or more of:
- One of:
- Sequence of:
- One or more of:
- Indexing inlines ⏵
- Admonition elements ⏵
- Formal elements ⏵
- Graphic elements ⏵
- Informal elements ⏵
- List elements ⏵
- Paragraph elements ⏵
- Publishing elements ⏵
- Synopsis elements ⏵
- Technical elements ⏵
- Verbatim elements ⏵
- Optionally one of:
- Sequence of:
- One or more of:
- Zero or more of:
- One or more of:
- Sequence of:
- One or more of:
- Zero or more of:
- One or more of:
- Sequence of:
- One or more of:
- Sequence of:
- One or more of:
- Zero or more of:
- One or more of:
- Sequence of:
- One or more of:
- Zero or more of:
- One or more of:
- Sequence of:
- Zero or more of:
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
Additional attributes:
- label
- status
- type
Additional Constraints
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
The topic
element is a general-purpose container designed
to be semantically neutral with respect to any narrative flow. Like most
“component level” elements in DocBook, it can hold
block elements optionally followed by one
or more sections.
Topics are most often associated with topic-oriented authoring methodologies. Topic-oriented authoring is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, DocBook Assemblies.
Processing expectations
Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes topics are numbered.
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
- any attribute
Any attribute in any other explicit namespace
- label
Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes
- status
Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs
- type
Identifies the topic type
4 elements contain topic
. × ⏵
79 elements occur in topic
. × ⏵
1 |<topic xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' version="5.1">
5 ||
<para>If your <citetitle>Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive
|Sunglasses</citetitle> become opaque, do not be alarmed. That's more
|or less the point.</para>
|10 |