errortype — The classification of an error message.
- Zero or more of:
- text
- Graphic inlines
- Indexing inlines
- Linking inlines
- Ubiquitous inlines
The errortype
element identifies a class of
error. The exact classifications are naturally going to vary by system,
but “recoverable” and “fatal” are two
DocBook provides four elements for identifying the parts of an
error message: errorcode
, for the alphanumeric error
code (e.g., “–2”); errorname
, for the
symbolic name of the error (e.g., “ENOENT”);
, for the text of the error message (e.g.,
“file not found”); and errortype
, for
the error type (e.g., “recoverable”).
Processing expectations
Formatted inline.
These elements contain errortype
: bridgehead
, caption
(db.html.caption), citation
, citetitle
, classsynopsisinfo
, contrib
, emphasis
(db.emphasis), entry
, firstterm
(db.firstterm), funcsynopsisinfo
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
(db.glossterm), link
, literallayout
, member
, olink
, orgdiv
, para
, phrase
(db.phrase), primary
, primaryie
, programlisting
, quote
(db.quote), refdescriptor
, refentrytitle
, refname
, refpurpose
, remark
, screen
, secondary
, secondaryie
, see
, seealso
, seealsoie
, seeie
, seg
, segtitle
, simpara
, subtitle
, synopsis
, td
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, tertiaryie
, th
, title
, titleabbrev
, tocentry
The following elements occur in errortype: text, abbrev
, acronym
, alt
, anchor
, annotation
, biblioref
, coref
, date
, emphasis
(db._emphasis), firstterm
(db._firstterm), footnote
, footnoteref
, foreignphrase
(db._foreignphrase), glossterm
(db._glossterm), indexterm
(db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm
(db.indexterm.singular), indexterm
(db.indexterm.startofrange), inlinemediaobject
, link
, olink
, phrase
(db._phrase), quote
(db._quote), remark
, replaceable
, subscript
, superscript
, trademark
, wordasword
, xref