glossterm (db.glossterm)
glossterm — A glossary term.
- Zero or more of:
Additional Constraints
- @linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry.
A glossterm
identifies a term that appears in a
or glosslist
. This
element occurs in two very different places: it is both an inline, and a
structure element of a glossentry
. As an inline, it
identifies a term defined in a glossary, and may point to it. Within a
, it identifies the term defined by that
particular entry.
Processing expectations
As an inline, glossterm
s frequently get
special typographic treatment, such as italics. In an online
environment, they may also form a link (explicitly or implicitly) to
the corresponding definition in a glossary.
The glossterm
s must not be nested within
other glossterm
s. The processing of nested
s is undefined.
As part of a glossentry
s are usually set as a block and separated
from the definition.
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
- baseform
Specifies the base form of the term, the one that appears in the glossary. This allows adjectival, plural, and other variations of the term to appear in the element. The element content is the default base form.
These elements contain glossterm
: biblioentry
, bibliomixed
, bibliomset
, biblioset
, bridgehead
, caption
(db.html.caption), citation
, citetitle
, classsynopsisinfo
, contrib
, emphasis
(db.emphasis), entry
, firstterm
(db.firstterm), foreignphrase
(db.foreignphrase), funcsynopsisinfo
, glossentry
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
(db.glossterm), link
, literallayout
, member
, olink
, orgdiv
, para
, phrase
(db.phrase), primary
, primaryie
, programlisting
, quote
(db.quote), refdescriptor
, refentrytitle
, refname
, refpurpose
, remark
, screen
, secondary
, secondaryie
, see
, seealso
, seealsoie
, seeie
, seg
, segtitle
, simpara
, subtitle
, synopsis
, td
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, tertiaryie
, th
, title
, titleabbrev
, tocentry
The following elements occur in glossterm: text, abbrev
, accel
, acronym
, alt
, anchor
, annotation
, application
, author
, biblioref
, citation
, citebiblioid
, citerefentry
, citetitle
, classname
, code
, command
, computeroutput
, constant
, coref
, database
, date
, editor
, email
, emphasis
(db._emphasis), emphasis
(db.emphasis), envar
, errorcode
, errorname
, errortext
, errortype
, exceptionname
, filename
, firstterm
(db._firstterm), firstterm
(db.firstterm), footnote
, footnoteref
, foreignphrase
(db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase
(db.foreignphrase), function
, glossterm
(db._glossterm), glossterm
(db.glossterm), guibutton
, guiicon
, guilabel
, guimenu
, guimenuitem
, guisubmenu
, hardware
, indexterm
(db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm
(db.indexterm.singular), indexterm
(db.indexterm.startofrange), initializer
, inlineequation
, inlinemediaobject
, interfacename
, jobtitle
, keycap
, keycode
, keycombo
, keysym
, link
, literal
, markup
, menuchoice
, methodname
, modifier
, mousebutton
, nonterminal
, olink
, ooclass
, ooexception
, oointerface
, option
, optional
, org
, orgname
, package
, parameter
, person
, personname
, phrase
(db._phrase), phrase
(db.phrase), productname
, productnumber
, prompt
, property
, quote
(db._quote), quote
(db.quote), remark
, replaceable
, returnvalue
, shortcut
, subscript
, superscript
, symbol
, systemitem
, tag
, termdef
, token
, trademark
, type
, uri
, userinput
, varname
, wordasword
, xref
See glossary
for an example using this element.