phrase (db.phrase)
phrase — A span of text.
- Zero or more of:
The phrase
element in DocBook has no specific
semantic. It is provided as a wrapper around a selection of words
smaller than a paragraph so that it is possible to provide an xml:id
or other attributes for it.
For example, if you are making note of changes to a document using
one of the effectivity attributes, you might use
to mark up specific sentences with
Processing expectations
Formatted inline.
These elements contain phrase
: biblioentry
, bibliomixed
, bibliomset
, biblioset
, bridgehead
, caption
(db.html.caption), citation
, citetitle
, classsynopsisinfo
, contrib
, emphasis
(db.emphasis), entry
, firstterm
(db.firstterm), foreignphrase
(db.foreignphrase), funcsynopsisinfo
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
(db.glossterm), link
, literallayout
, member
, olink
, orgdiv
, para
, phrase
(db.phrase), primary
, primaryie
, programlisting
, quote
(db.quote), refdescriptor
, refentrytitle
, refname
, refpurpose
, remark
, screen
, secondary
, secondaryie
, see
, seealso
, seealsoie
, seeie
, seg
, segtitle
, simpara
, subtitle
, synopsis
, td
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, tertiaryie
, textobject
, th
, title
, titleabbrev
, tocentry
The following elements occur in phrase: text, abbrev
, accel
, acronym
, alt
, anchor
, annotation
, application
, author
, biblioref
, citation
, citebiblioid
, citerefentry
, citetitle
, classname
, code
, command
, computeroutput
, constant
, coref
, database
, date
, editor
, email
, emphasis
(db._emphasis), emphasis
(db.emphasis), envar
, errorcode
, errorname
, errortext
, errortype
, exceptionname
, filename
, firstterm
(db._firstterm), firstterm
(db.firstterm), footnote
, footnoteref
, foreignphrase
(db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase
(db.foreignphrase), function
, glossterm
(db._glossterm), glossterm
(db.glossterm), guibutton
, guiicon
, guilabel
, guimenu
, guimenuitem
, guisubmenu
, hardware
, indexterm
(db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm
(db.indexterm.singular), indexterm
(db.indexterm.startofrange), initializer
, inlineequation
, inlinemediaobject
, interfacename
, jobtitle
, keycap
, keycode
, keycombo
, keysym
, link
, literal
, markup
, menuchoice
, methodname
, modifier
, mousebutton
, nonterminal
, olink
, ooclass
, ooexception
, oointerface
, option
, optional
, org
, orgname
, package
, parameter
, person
, personname
, phrase
(db._phrase), phrase
(db.phrase), productname
, productnumber
, prompt
, property
, quote
(db._quote), quote
(db.quote), remark
, replaceable
, returnvalue
, shortcut
, subscript
, superscript
, symbol
, systemitem
, tag
, termdef
, token
, trademark
, type
, uri
, userinput
, varname
, wordasword
, xref
See Also
, acronym
, emphasis
, foreignphrase
, phrase
(db._phrase), quote
, wordasword
<para xmlns=''>Effectivity attributes can
be used to keep track of modifications to a document
<phrase revisionflag="deleted">at the word or sentence level</phrase>
<phrase revisionflag="added"> as long as the number and complexity of changes
is not too high</phrase>.
Effectivity attributes can be used to keep track of modifications to a document at the word or sentence level as long as the number and complexity of changes is not too high.