
varname — The name of a variable.


varname ::= × ⏵


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

No additional attributes.


A varname identifies a variable name in a programming or expression language. Variables most often get their values from literals, replaceable values, constants, or symbols.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


56 elements contain varname. × ⏵

These elements contain varname: bridgehead, caption (db.html.caption), citation, citetitle, classsynopsisinfo, code, contrib, emphasis (db.emphasis), entry, enumitemdescription, fieldsynopsis, firstterm (db.firstterm), funcsynopsisinfo, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm (db.glossterm), link, literallayout, member, meta (db.meta.content), olink, orgdiv, para, phrase (db.phrase), primary, primaryie, programlisting, quote (db.quote), refdescriptor, refentrytitle, refname, refpurpose, remark, screen, secondary, secondaryie, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg, segtitle, simpara, subtitle, synopsis, synopsisinfo, td, term, termdef, tertiary, tertiaryie, th, title, titleabbrev, tocentry, type.


29 elements occur in varname. × ⏵

The following elements occur in varname: text, abbrev, acronym, alt, anchor, annotation, biblioref, coref, date, emphasis (db._emphasis), firstterm (db._firstterm), footnote, footnoteref, foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), glossterm (db._glossterm), indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), inlinemediaobject, link, olink, phrase (db._phrase), quote (db._quote), remark, replaceable, subscript, superscript, trademark, wordasword, xref.

See Also

Related elements: command, computeroutput, constant, literal, markup, option, optional, parameter, prompt, replaceable, tag, userinput.


1 |<article xmlns=''>
  |<title>Example varname</title>
  |<para>In Perl, <varname>@ARGV</varname> contains the command line parameters
5 |used when the script was run.

In Perl, @ARGV contains the command line parameters used when the script was run.