
revhistory — A history of the revisions to a document.


revhistory ::=


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

No additional attributes.


A revhistory is a structure for documenting a history of changes, specifically, a history of changes to the document or section in which it occurs.

DocBook does not mandate an order for revisions: ascending order by date, descending order by date, and orders based on some other criteria are all equally acceptable.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block. A tabular or list presentation is most common.

The order of revisions within a revhistory (e.g., ascending or descending date order) is not mandated by DocBook.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


71 elements contain revhistory. × ⏵

These elements contain revhistory: abstract, acknowledgements, answer, appendix, article, bibliodiv, biblioentry, bibliography, bibliolist, bibliomixed, bibliomset, biblioset, blockquote, callout, calloutlist, caption, caution, chapter, colophon, cover, danger, dedication, dialogue, drama, entry, example, figure, footnote, glossary, glossdef, glossdiv, glosslist, important, index, info (, info (, info (, info (, info (, informalexample, informalfigure, itemizedlist, legalnotice, linegroup, listitem, meta (db.meta.content), note, orderedlist, para, partintro, poetry, preface, procedure, qandadiv, qandaset, question, result, revdescription, section, setindex, sidebar, simplesect, step, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary, textobject, tip, toc, variablelist, warning.


5 elements occur in revhistory. × ⏵

The following elements occur in revhistory: info (, info (, revision, title, titleabbrev.

See Also

Related elements: date, edition, printhistory, pubdate, releaseinfo.


 1 |<article xmlns=''>
   |<title>Example revhistory</title>
 5 | 
   |  <revnumber>0.91</revnumber>
   |  <date>1996-12-11</date>
   |  <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials>
10 |  <revremark>Bug fixes</revremark>
   |  <revnumber>0.90</revnumber>
15 |  <date>1996-11-30</date>
   |  <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials>
   |  <revremark>First beta release</revremark>
20 |</revhistory>
Revision History
0.9111 Dec 1996ndw

Bug fixes

0.9030 Nov 1996ndw

First beta release