DocBook 5.1: The Definitive Guide  (Version 1.5.3 for DocBook 5.1)


orgname — The name of an organization.


orgname ::= [x]  [+]


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • At most one of:
    • class (enumeration)
      • “consortium”
      • “corporation”
      • “informal”
      • “nonprofit”
    • Each of:
      • class (enumeration)
        • “other”
      • otherclass


An orgname identifies the name of an organization or corporation.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


Specifies the nature of the organization

Enumerated values:

A consortium


A corporation


An informal organization


A non-profit organization


Identifies the non-standard nature of the organization


These elements contain orgname: address, affiliation, author, biblioentry, bibliomixed, bibliomset, biblioset, bridgehead, caption (db.html.caption), citation, citetitle, classsynopsisinfo, collab, contrib, editor, emphasis (db.emphasis), entry, firstterm (db.firstterm), foreignphrase (db.foreignphrase), funcsynopsisinfo, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm (db.glossterm), info (, info (, info (, info (, info (, link, literallayout, member, merge, olink, org, orgdiv, othercredit, para, phrase (db.phrase), primary, primaryie, programlisting, quote (db.quote), refdescriptor, refentrytitle, refname, refpurpose, remark, screen, secondary, secondaryie, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg, segtitle, simpara, subtitle, synopsis, td, term, termdef, tertiary, tertiaryie, th, title, titleabbrev, tocentry.


The following elements occur in orgname: text, abbrev, acronym, alt, anchor, annotation, biblioref, coref, date, emphasis (db._emphasis), firstterm (db._firstterm), footnote, footnoteref, foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), glossterm (db._glossterm), indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), inlinemediaobject, link, olink, phrase (db._phrase), quote (db._quote), remark, replaceable, subscript, superscript, trademark, wordasword, xref.