
biblioref — A cross-reference to a bibliographic entry.



biblioref ::=

  • empty


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • begin (token)
  • end (token)
  • endterm (IDREF)
  • units (token)
  • xrefstyle

Required attributes are shown in bold.


A biblioref is a special-purpose cross-reference element. It is used for references to bibliography entries where additional formatting is necessary.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


Identifies the beginning of a reference; the location within the work that is being referenced.


Identifies the end of a reference.


Points to the element whose content is to be used as the text of the link


The units (for example, pages) used to identify the beginning and ending of a reference.


Specifies a keyword or keywords identifying additional style information


189 elements contain biblioref. × ⏵

These elements contain biblioref: abbrev, accel, acronym, address, application, arg, artpagenums, attribution, authorinitials, bibliocoverage, biblioid, bibliomisc, bibliomixed, bibliomset, bibliorelation, bibliosource, bridgehead, buildtarget, caption (db.html.caption), citation, citebiblioid, citetitle, city, classname, classsynopsisinfo, code, command, computeroutput, confdates, confnum, confsponsor, conftitle, constant, contractnum, contractsponsor, contrib, country, database, description, edition, email, emphasis (db._emphasis), emphasis (db.emphasis), entry, enumidentifier, enumitemdescription, enumname, enumvalue, envar, errorcode, errorname, errortext, errortype, exceptionname, fax, filename, firstname, firstterm (db._firstterm), firstterm (db.firstterm), foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase (db.foreignphrase), funcdef, funcparams, funcsynopsisinfo, function, givenname, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm (db._glossterm), glossterm (db.glossterm), guibutton, guiicon, guilabel, guimenu, guimenuitem, guisubmenu, hardware, holder, honorific, initializer, interfacename, issuenum, jobtitle, keycap, keycode, keysym, label, lineage, lineannotation, link, literal, literallayout, macroname, manvolnum, markup, mathphrase, member, meta (db.meta.content), methodname, modifier, mousebutton, msgaud, msglevel, msgorig, olink, option, optional, orgdiv, orgname, otheraddr, othername, package, pagenums, para, paramdef, parameter, personname, phone, phrase (db._phrase), phrase (db.phrase), pob, postcode, primary, primaryie, productname, productnumber, programlisting, prompt, property, publishername, quote (db._quote), quote (db.quote), refdescriptor, refentrytitle, refmiscinfo, refname, refpurpose, releaseinfo, remark, replaceable, returnvalue, revnumber, revremark, screen, secondary, secondaryie, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg, segtitle, seriesvolnums, shortaffil, simpara, specializedtemplate, state, street, subscript, subtitle, superscript, surname, symbol, synopsis, synopsisinfo, systemitem, tag, td, template, templatename, term, termdef, tertiary, tertiaryie, th, title, titleabbrev, tocentry, token, trademark, type, typedefname, unionname, uri, userinput, varname, volumenum, wordasword, year.