
figure — A formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title.


figure ::= × ⏵


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • floatstyle
  • label
  • pgwide (enumeration)
    • “0”
    • “1”
  • type

Additional Constraints

  • example must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
  • figure must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
  • table must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
  • equation must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
  • If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.


A figure is a formal example with a title. Figures often contain mediaobjects, or other large display elements. Frequently, they are given IDs and referenced from the text with xref or link.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.

A figure may contain multiple display elements. DocBook does not specify how these elements are to be presented with respect to one another.

DocBook does not specify the location of the figure within the final displayed flow of text; it may float or remain where it is located.

A list of figures may be generated at the beginning of a document.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


Specifies style information to be used when rendering the float


Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes


Indicates if the element is rendered across the column or the page

Enumerated values:

The element should be rendered in the current text flow (with the flow column width).


The element should be rendered across the full text page.


Identifies the type of figure


77 elements contain figure. × ⏵

These elements contain figure: abstract, acknowledgements, annotation, answer, appendix, article, bibliodiv, bibliography, bibliolist, blockquote, callout, calloutlist, caption (db.caption), caution, chapter, colophon, constraintdef, danger, dedication, entry, example, figure, footnote, formalgroup, glossary, glossdef, glossdiv, glosslist, important, index, indexdiv, informalexample, informalfigure, itemizedlist, legalnotice, listitem, meta (db.meta.content), msgexplan, msgtext, note, orderedlist, para, partintro, preface, procedure, qandadiv, qandaset, question, refsect1, refsect2, refsect3, refsection, refsynopsisdiv, result, revdescription, sect1, sect2, sect3, sect4, sect5, section, setindex, sidebar, simplesect, step, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary, td, textobject, th, tip, toc, tocdiv, topic, variablelist, warning.


71 elements occur in figure. × ⏵

The following elements occur in figure: address, anchor, annotation, bibliolist, blockquote, bridgehead, calloutlist, caption (db.caption), caution, classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, constraintdef, constructorsynopsis, danger, destructorsynopsis, enumsynopsis, epigraph, equation, example, fieldsynopsis, figure, formalgroup, formalpara, funcsynopsis, glosslist, important, indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm (db.indexterm.singular), indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange), info (, info (, informalequation, informalexample, informalfigure, informaltable (db.cals.informaltable), informaltable (db.html.informaltable), itemizedlist, literallayout, macrosynopsis, mediaobject, methodsynopsis, msgset, note, orderedlist, packagesynopsis, para, procedure, productionset, programlisting, programlistingco, qandaset, remark, revhistory, screen, screenco, screenshot, segmentedlist, sidebar, simpara, simplelist, synopsis, table (db.cals.table), table (db.html.table), task, tip, title, titleabbrev, typedefsynopsis, unionsynopsis, variablelist, warning.

See Also

Related elements: equation, example, informalequation, informalexample, informalfigure, informaltable, table.


 1 |<article xmlns=''>
   |<title>Example figure</title>
   |<figure xml:id="ex.pythagorean">
 5 |<title>The Pythagorean Theorem Illustrated</title>
   |  <imageobject condition="print">
   |    <imagedata fileref="figs/print/db5d_ref01.pdf"/>
   |  </imageobject>
10 |  <imageobject condition="web">
   |    <imagedata fileref="figs/web/db5d_ref01.png"/>
   |  </imageobject>
   |  <textobject><phrase>An illustration of the Pythagorean Theorem</phrase></textobject>
15 |</figure>
An illustration of the Pythagorean Theorem
Figure 1The Pythagorean Theorem Illustrated