DocBook Publishers: The Definitive Guide  (Version 1.2.1 for DocBook 5.1)


anchor — A spot in the document.


anchor ::=

  • empty


Common attributes (ID required).


An anchor identifies a single spot in the content. This may serve as the target for a cross-reference, for example, from a link. The anchor element may occur almost anywhere.

Processing expectations

An anchor has no content and generally produces no output. It is a link target.


These elements contain anchor: abbrev, abstract, acknowledgements, acronym, address, answer, appendix, article, artpagenums, attribution, authorinitials, bibliocoverage, bibliodiv, bibliography, biblioid, bibliolist, bibliomisc, bibliomixed, bibliomset, bibliorelation, bibliosource, blockquote, bridgehead, callout, calloutlist, caption, chapter, citation, citebiblioid, citetitle, city, colophon, confdates, confnum, confsponsor, conftitle, contractnum, contractsponsor, contrib, country, cover, dedication, dialogue, drama, edition, email, emphasis (db._emphasis), emphasis (db.emphasis), entry, epigraph, example, fax, figure, firstname, firstterm (db._firstterm), firstterm (db.firstterm), footnote, foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase (db.foreignphrase), givenname, glossary, glossdef, glossdiv, glosslist, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm (db._glossterm), glossterm (db.glossterm), holder, honorific, index, informalexample, informalfigure, issuenum, itemizedlist, jobtitle, label, legalnotice, line, lineage, linegroup, link, listitem, literal, literallayout, mathphrase, member, note, olink, optional, orderedlist, orgdiv, orgname, otheraddr, othername, pagenums, para, partintro, personblurb, personname, phone, phrase (db._phrase), phrase (db.phrase), pob, poetry, postcode, preface, primary, printhistory, procedure, productname, productnumber, publishername, qandadiv, qandaset, question, quote (db._quote), quote (db.quote), releaseinfo, remark, result, revdescription, revnumber, revremark, secondary, section, see, seealso, seriesvolnums, setindex, shortaffil, sidebar, simpara, simplesect, state, step, street, subscript, subtitle, superscript, surname, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary, term, termdef, tertiary, textobject, title, titleabbrev, toc, trademark, uri, variablelist, volumenum, wordasword, year.

See Also


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example anchor</title>

<para>The anchor element<anchor xml:id="example.anchor.1"/> is empty and contributes
nothing to the flow of the content in which it occurs.  It is only useful
as a target.


The anchor element is empty and contributes nothing to the flow of the content in which it occurs. It is only useful as a target.