An anchor identifies a single spot in the content. This may serve
as the target for a cross-reference, for example, from a
. The anchor
element may occur
almost anywhere.
165 elements contain anchor
. × ⏵ ⏷
These elements contain anchor
: abbrev
, abstract
, acknowledgements
, acronym
, address
, answer
, appendix
, article
, artpagenums
, attribution
, authorinitials
, bibliocoverage
, bibliodiv
, bibliography
, biblioid
, bibliolist
, bibliomisc
, bibliomixed
, bibliomset
, bibliorelation
, bibliosource
, blockquote
, bridgehead
, callout
, calloutlist
, caption
, caution
, chapter
, citation
, citebiblioid
, citetitle
, city
, colophon
, confdates
, confnum
, confsponsor
, conftitle
, contractnum
, contractsponsor
, contrib
, country
, cover
, danger
, dedication
, dialogue
, drama
, edition
, email
, emphasis
(db._emphasis), emphasis
(db.emphasis), entry
, epigraph
, example
, fax
, figure
, firstname
, firstterm
(db._firstterm), firstterm
(db.firstterm), footnote
, foreignphrase
(db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase
(db.foreignphrase), givenname
, glossary
, glossdef
, glossdiv
, glosslist
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
(db._glossterm), glossterm
(db.glossterm), holder
, honorific
, important
, index
, informalexample
, informalfigure
, inlinestagedir
, issuenum
, itemizedlist
, jobtitle
, label
, legalnotice
, line
, lineage
, linegroup
, link
, listitem
, literal
, literallayout
, mathphrase
, member
, meta
(db.meta.content), note
, olink
, optional
, orderedlist
, orgdiv
, orgname
, otheraddr
, othername
, pagenums
, para
, partintro
, personblurb
, personname
, phone
, phrase
(db._phrase), phrase
(db.phrase), pob
, poetry
, postcode
, preface
, primary
, printhistory
, procedure
, productname
, productnumber
, publishername
, qandadiv
, qandaset
, question
, quote
(db._quote), quote
(db.quote), releaseinfo
, remark
, result
, revdescription
, revnumber
, revremark
, secondary
, section
, see
, seealso
, seriesvolnums
, setindex
, shortaffil
, sidebar
, simpara
, simplesect
, state
, step
, street
, subscript
, subtitle
, superscript
, surname
, taskprerequisites
, taskrelated
, tasksummary
, templatename
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, textobject
, tip
, title
, titleabbrev
, toc
, trademark
, uri
, variablelist
, volumenum
, warning
, wordasword
, year