
footnoteref — A cross reference to a footnote (a footnote mark).


footnoteref ::=

  • empty


Common attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • label

Required attributes are shown in bold.

Additional Constraints

  • @linkend on footnoteref must point to a footnote.


This element forms an IDREF link to a footnote. It generates the same mark or link as the footnote to which it points.

In technical documentation, footnoteref occurs most frequently in tables.

Processing expectations

The footnoteref element usually generates the same mark as the footnote to which it points, although its mark can be influenced by the label attribute.


Common attributes.

any attribute

Any attribute in any other explicit namespace


Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes


105 elements contain footnoteref. × ⏵

These elements contain footnoteref: abbrev, acronym, address, artpagenums, attribution, authorinitials, bibliocoverage, biblioentry, biblioid, bibliomisc, bibliomixed, bibliomset, bibliorelation, biblioset, bibliosource, bridgehead, citation, citebiblioid, citetitle, city, confdates, confnum, confsponsor, conftitle, contractnum, contractsponsor, contrib, country, edition, email, emphasis (db._emphasis), emphasis (db.emphasis), entry, fax, firstname, firstterm (db._firstterm), firstterm (db.firstterm), foreignphrase (db._foreignphrase), foreignphrase (db.foreignphrase), givenname, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm (db._glossterm), glossterm (db.glossterm), holder, honorific, inlinestagedir, issuenum, jobtitle, label, line, lineage, link, literal, literallayout, mathphrase, member, meta (db.meta.content), olink, optional, orgdiv, orgname, otheraddr, othername, pagenums, para, personname, phone, phrase (db._phrase), phrase (db.phrase), pob, postcode, primary, productname, productnumber, publishername, quote (db._quote), quote (db.quote), releaseinfo, remark, revnumber, revremark, secondary, see, seealso, seriesvolnums, shortaffil, simpara, state, street, subscript, subtitle, superscript, surname, templatename, term, termdef, tertiary, title, titleabbrev, trademark, uri, volumenum, wordasword, year.


 1 |<article xmlns=''>
   |<title>Example footnoteref</title>
 5 |<tgroup cols='2'>
   |<entry>foo<footnote xml:id='fnrex1a'><para>A meaningless
10 |<entry>3<footnote xml:id='fnrex1b'><para>A meaningless
   |<entry>bar<footnoteref linkend='fnrex1a'/></entry>
15 |<entry>5<footnoteref linkend='fnrex1b'/></entry>
20 | 

A meaningless word

A meaningless number